Do you want to enhance your knowledge of women, peace and security issues in the Americas? Apply for this new virtual course for Spanish speakers.

Do you want to enhance your knowledge of women, peace and security issues in the Americas? Apply for this new virtual course for Spanish speakers that has been jointly developed by our experts and the Inter-American Commission of Women of the Organization of American States.


La Comisión Interamericana de Mujeres de la Organización de los Estados Americanos (CIM/OEA) con el apoyo del Gobierno de Liechtenstein y en colaboración con Gender Associations, tiene el agrado de invitarles a la primera edición del Curso Virtual “Mujeres, Paz y Seguridad en las Américas

Este curso, que se desarrollará entre el 1 y el 26 de agosto de 2022, tiene como objeto proporcionar elementos y herramientas teóricas, metodológicas, conceptuales y prácticas para el abordaje regional de la agenda de mujeres, paz y seguridad, desde el contexto y las distintas realidades de las Américas.

Unidad 1: Antecedentes, contexto, contenido y conceptos de la agenda de Mujeres, Paz y Seguridad

Unidad 2: La seguridad de las mujeres en LAC

Unidad 3: La implementación de la agenda de la Mujeres, Paz y Seguridad en las Américas

Unidad 4: Retos y desafíos regionales de la agenda de Mujeres, Paz y Seguridad

El curso tiene una duración de 4 semanas, con una dedicación estimada de 5 a 7 horas semanales y un total de 25 horas de formación. El curso utiliza una metodología mixta de aprendizaje, que combina:

  • Sesiones sincrónicas con las expertas académicas, para reflexionar sobre las discusiones temáticas y aclarar dudas respecto al material de estudio;
  • Material descargable para estudiar de forma autónoma, a su ritmo, los documentos centrales de cada unidad;
  • Un test de comprensión al finalizar cada semana de estudio, para ir valorando los aprendizajes adquiridos; y
  • El aprendizaje en red, que consiste en espacios de interacción para que intercambien conocimientos con sus pares.

Gracias al apoyo del Gobierno de Liechtenstein, este curso se ofrece libre de costos para las personas invitadas.

En esta primera edición hay un límite de 30 cupos para poder permitir la interacción entre las personas participantes y con las expertas académicas.

Si tienen interés en participar del curso, agradeceríamos que se comuniquen a más tardar el 28 de julio con Allison Kielhold:


The Inter-American Commission of Women of the Organization of American States (CIM/OAS), with the support of the Government of Liechtenstein, has developed a four-week virtual course for Spanish speakers on “Women, Peace and Security in the Americas”.

This course, which will take place from 1 to 26 August 2022, aims to provide theoretical, methodological, conceptual and practical approaches and tools for the regional implementation of the Women, Peace and Security agenda. Course material is grounded in the context and different realities of Latin America and the Caribbean.

The course is divided into four interactive modules:

Unit 1: Background, context and concepts of the Women, Peace and Security agenda

Unit 2: Security and  safety of women in the Americas

Unit 3: The implementation of the Women, Peace and Security agenda in the Americas

Unit 4: Challenges to regionally implement the Women, Peace and Security agenda

There will be a limit of 30 spaces for this first iteration of the virtual training. If you are interested in participating in the course, please contact Allison Kielhold: no later than July 28


GAIC Gender Associations International Consulting GmbH

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Co-Founder and Director of Gender Associations

Nicola has mainly focused on issues such as the implementation of UNSCR 1325, international law at the domestic and regional level, on gender-sensitive security sector reform and on the prevention and response to sexual and gender-based violence in peacekeeping missions. She holds a Masters (LLM) in International Peace Support Operations, as well as a degree in Political, Social and Communication Science. Nicola has lived and worked in Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe and South and West Africa. She has developed, implemented and evaluated training programmes, action-oriented research, projects, as well as policy development processes for the United Nations, different governments and NGOs.


Co-Founder and Director of Gender Associations

Nicola has mainly focused on issues such as the implementation of UNSCR 1325, international law at the domestic and regional level, on gender-sensitive security sector reform and on the prevention and response to sexual and gender-based violence in peacekeeping missions. She holds a Masters (LLM) in International Peace Support Operations, as well as a degree in Political, Social and Communication Science. Nicola has lived and worked in Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe and South and West Africa. She has developed, implemented and evaluated training programmes, action-oriented research, projects, as well as policy development processes for the United Nations, different governments and NGOs.