While the state of the world over the last few years has been both unpredictable and challenging, Gender Associations reflects on progress achieved during its first three years of operation.
Gender Associations supported and attended the 4th Capital-Level Meeting of the Women, Peace and Security Focal Points Network (WPS FPN) in Geneva, which brought together over 100 WPS experts from governments, international and regional organizations and CSOs.
In Mongolia, we are collaborating with the German Development Cooperation Agency (GiZ) on a project to implement gender-responsive budgeting at the local level with a focus on education.
At Gender Associations, we reiterate our support for the Black Lives Matter movement and stand with all activists and advocates working for a more just, equal and peaceful society.
Nicola has mainly focused on issues such as the implementation of UNSCR 1325, international law at the domestic and regional level, on gender-sensitive security sector reform and on the prevention and response to sexual and gender-based violence in peacekeeping missions. She holds a Masters (LLM) in International Peace Support Operations, as well as a degree in Political, Social and Communication Science. Nicola has lived and worked in Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe and South and West Africa. She has developed, implemented and evaluated training programmes, action-oriented research, projects, as well as policy development processes for the United Nations, different governments and NGOs.
Co-Founder and Director
of Gender Associations
Nicola has mainly focused on issues such as the implementation of UNSCR 1325, international law at the domestic and regional level, on gender-sensitive security sector reform and on the prevention and response to sexual and gender-based violence in peacekeeping missions. She holds a Masters (LLM) in International Peace Support Operations, as well as a degree in Political, Social and Communication Science. Nicola has lived and worked in Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe and South and West Africa. She has developed, implemented and evaluated training programmes, action-oriented research, projects, as well as policy development processes for the United Nations, different governments and NGOs.