Gender Associations works on a variety of topics related to gender, peace and security,
with diverse actors and stakeholders around the world.

Our NEWS section highlights some of our most recent initiatives, publications and projects.

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You have significant work experience on gender, peace and security issues. You are a good team player, highly professional and believe in diversity and human rights: Apply to our Expert roster!

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Welcome to Gender Associations


We are an international consultancy firm focusing on gender, peace and security issues. We provide a holistic perspective with expertise from different backgrounds and geographic regions and offer tailor-made solutions for advancing gender equality in complex contexts.

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Co-Founder and Director of Gender Associations

Nicola has mainly focused on issues such as the implementation of UNSCR 1325, international law at the domestic and regional level, on gender-sensitive security sector reform and on the prevention and response to sexual and gender-based violence in peacekeeping missions. She holds a Masters (LLM) in International Peace Support Operations, as well as a degree in Political, Social and Communication Science. Nicola has lived and worked in Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe and South and West Africa. She has developed, implemented and evaluated training programmes, action-oriented research, projects, as well as policy development processes for the United Nations, different governments and NGOs.


Co-Founder and Director of Gender Associations

Nicola has mainly focused on issues such as the implementation of UNSCR 1325, international law at the domestic and regional level, on gender-sensitive security sector reform and on the prevention and response to sexual and gender-based violence in peacekeeping missions. She holds a Masters (LLM) in International Peace Support Operations, as well as a degree in Political, Social and Communication Science. Nicola has lived and worked in Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe and South and West Africa. She has developed, implemented and evaluated training programmes, action-oriented research, projects, as well as policy development processes for the United Nations, different governments and NGOs.